Wednesday, July 20, 2016


2: Tobi, or not to bi...
3: Wowwwww
3: It certainly does go with her half black half white face
3: And it probably was what I had in mind when I first saw her
2: Pain is an illusion, so is life... but, is. Tobi's past pain was limited by the brain capacity... but we are all ants in the grand fractal.
3: If we could only be dogs and live for those present 20 seconds
ALban Sh
2: We are capable of being and feeling deeper than dogs even for dog related life aspects... do we want to? we can. It takes some preliminary preparations, and we can repeat the experience too... or end one life... or the other...
2: You think Tobi is one of the instances of her heaven?
2: Big sister and cozy home?
2: Maybe puppies some day?
2: Daring to dream more than surviving the daymare of reality before you?
3: I can survive the present (hence the dogs-living-in-the-present reference) it's the past and the future that mess things for humans
3: And going even deeper than that would be just more distraction from the present


R: I am the collection of values that result from injected or built memories, whether that is inside a videogame character, an organic in the physical world, or the transitional states between. I am not the identical same self in the beginning and end of this comment, and in the multitude of selves across worlds there may be versions of me more similar to one or the other state. I can learn to relinquish the concept of self, though the exploration of this topic needs such 'self' to be, even as a formal notion, so we can reference it for a better understanding (the process, or the already digested conclusions in real/injected memories). In the end it comes down more importantly to what to 'do' at that state of values+memories, rather than what to 'be'.
R: One personal value defining the 'self': seeking knowledge/understanding
action: learn, put forth theories, test
Next step: evaluate the memories gained from the above 2 steps, in relation to the environment or abstractly.
Next step: Seek the formula of the bigger mathematical structure containing 'me' in some forms of representation (eg. physical, or emulated game character). Intermediary step: Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC

9: Ice is slippery...
8: You said Isis! Hah!
9: You are such a child, but I wanted you to notice.
8: You're welcome.

1: ..... you are abandoning the sinking ship?
2: No! I am abandoning those sinking the ship.

3: I think it would be very bad if we ate something as awesome as <insert sponsored object of desire> everyday, and diluting our life of this extraordinary experience, making it a regular thing which tumbles down in the relative hedonic treadmill...

4: Do you like this egg holder? I got it on vacation <here and there according to sponsor needs and travel agencies>
5: The object itself is fine. I like it. But I would never get any such object.
4: Why?
5: It takes up space for once, physical and mental. If I keep it at arm's reach, quite more valuable space. Else, in a big house, quite a lot more needed to remember where it is, reach there, find it among similar junk. Nah, I will do fine with using a regular cup.
4: Suit yourself, you anticonsumerist piece of sweet <censored>.

6: Damn pedestrians! And nobody does anything about it. Cars at least get fined.
7: Can't expect to fine pedestrians for such minor transactions.
6: Talk to them. And they won't listen, but if there was a program in place to get them to a police station and have to take a video course, and answer a few questions as a test afterwards, things a 6 years old could know, I think things would change. And with no fine, less chances of bribery too.
7: Make it happen, then.
6: Maybe I will. Me, or people like me. Right now we are engaged in <insert #BAUniC related activity>

8: So you went on and published it unfinished?
9: Not only that, but laid it down in the unfinished document to come fix it and not just delete it.
8: You must have been pressed on time.
9: We all were. If any of us was available, we would have fixed it ourselves.

1: Can you please stop wasting time on 3? 3's not worth it. You are a bigger person than 3 will ever be, and if 3 wants to be your enemy, you should not make 3 your enemy. You should look for bigger enemies than 3. 

4: I noticed 8 kept asking 'what was I was saying?' and trying to hook memories, as in: 'remind me to talk about x'. Actually asking 'remind me to talk about x'
5: Was there anything to get upset about? 8 was just relying on you as 8's extended memory.
4: 8's argument at hand was not important either, the one to remember, meh, petty gossips and daily tasks, the things we try to shed from our day in order to get enough free space to play with fractals.
6: How did you react to that?
4: Told 8: 'No, either talk to me now, or it is not important. No time and attention to waste'
7: How did 8 take it?
4: Not happy, but could not really poke me back over that. 8 went to the 'alright, my talking is not important to you' and so on. And I went to 'no, THIS talk is not important, but there are bigger stories in this world that deserve our attention'
7: 8 might resent you over that...
4: Yeah, 8 does, did...
6: How would you take it in 8's place?
7: I would not have kept hanging threads like that. Or at least would not have bothered remembering to vent about them. They are thought parasites.
5: Resentment is not a useful feeling. 8 should have gotten over that as soon as 8 could.
7: If 8 was like that, we would not be having this conversation in the first place.
4: 8 needs just a little encouragement, and 8 will see the right path. Otherwise WE would not be having this conversation in the first place.
6: Maybe. Anyway, let's finish this storyline first.
4: No, nothing. 8 kept her upset mood, I did not, as usual. Then 8 gave up, since I was aiming bettering the both of us, and showing the way. 5 mediated the peace.
5: What did you learn from the experience?
4: Just a tactic to defend from, subconscious or intentional. I would feel more challenged if it was intentional, though it would mean having less reliance on 8, and more friendly bickering. I don't think it was intentional, nor a friendly bickering. I think it was just being called out on that, coupled with a genuine part of external reliance and not attempts to hook up thought lines. Though now I can see better future cases just like...
7: Just like detecting a special effect in a movie, and then remembering having seen it and some of its effect on storylines all along but having not distinguished it, it made sense and it could be applied to many cases.
6: I hope this little bit of external senses helps you or others. Now, to the story at hand.
4: We will be sharing other kinds of argumentative threads, and glad we are learning this of each other.

-flashback: phone call, making peace,
'nooo... that movie we should have watched together. You know I don't mind watching again the same movie if it was worth it the first time, while you are so selective on your repeated experiences'
'yeah, me too'
'but, you were supposed to ask me first, especially since there is one less stream of arguments we can share experiences on'
'nooo... you would not...'
'really? my buttocks? why?'
'if you are willing to risk it, maybe one of us won't be able to sit comfortably on Monday'
'I give you 3 to 1, take it or leave it. I was in the right, and you were 1/3 in the right, so, for each of my risks, you take 3'
'oh, I will love channeling my tough love on you like that'
'so what if you win? I will love all the effort you will take disciplining me.'
'you do that, and I will only beg you to do it harder'
'wanna see? I hope you win, then!'
'No I will not give you victory. You deserve a nice deep spanking with that new toy we bought from the <sponsored content> shop'
'Hah! I am ready to face consequences for my actions, playful and moral. I am not going to be sad on top of that!'
'Alright, 3:2 ratio, and give it your soul, whether you win or lose'
'hehe, me too'
'luv yu'
'spank you laterz'
:flashback end-

4: This is not something that should affect 8's evaluation to the group. I should have handled this on my own. But I was upset too on that occasion, so I needed 5's help.

9: is <current year> and we still deal with issues pertaining to the animal side of our past... we should be exploring stars, universes, immortality... eh, when profit instead of enlightenment drives politics... #BAUniC should have solved it by now, but maybe this civilization does not deserve to be saved.

1: Who wants to tackle receivers without antennas, I don't have time for it at the moment, and it is an endeavor worth pursuing.
2: Are you still trying to eavesdrop on aliens?
1: Aliens, locals, anything.
3: How does this work? I heard you use the trilink method.
1: The trilink is here just to synchronize with our physics and events branch, while we peek at what goes on underneath in the fractal matching this branch.
2: It is a worthy goal, and we won't forget about it, but, not right now.
3: Yeah, after burning processors, physics manipulation looks more appealing for me too.
1: Alright, then. I will archive this, make copies, set references, and we'll see if we get new blood where this might go.

*4 fixing the <communal usage thingy, sponsor potential>
*5 walks by.
5: Needing help?
4: I'll manage.
5: Maybe this? *pointing at details* or that?
4: Maybe...
5: I'll go get a better tool for it.
*A bit later, 5 comes in, tools in hand*
*4 and 5 repair the thing to be repaired. 4 clearly not enjoying 5's company*
5: There, fixed!
*4 not answering.
*5 gathering tools and going away.
4, at 5's back: Easier to fix it when breaking it in the first place.
*5, growls, does not answer.

6: what if you are a character in a and the actor saw another actor playing one of the other leads in the movie, but there filling in a different role using component swapping techniques for making the movie, and the actor as allowed by the script to be spontaneous, reacted to what she saw, and the reaction made it into the movie and into the stream of thoughts of the character, and you, being the character can occasionally observe these effects as 'dreamy' or 'dejavu' or something, but for you reality would be what you perceive from constructed memories and actor/character/writer collaboration forming the storyline. A thought process spread among various organic and synthetic thought/memory processing entities, including the computer doing the montage, the expert giving the commands to the computer, the approval process, and, why not, even the audience and their hopes/dreams/impressions after being exposed to the movie. How would you, as a character, know the difference. If your story as you remember it had an impact on the world, couldn't it be the case that story, yours or not, has been made into a movie or a book? That character, well, since all input/output to the real world are handled through intermediary means, and with deep control over actions and even thoughts, that character would not know they are a character, not more than a deep dream can know being in a dream.
7: Whats the purpose of this? How many people are out there who cannot tell reality from dreams? And what's the message except for making all boundaries blurry...
6: Blurry boundaries is quite an important message. Think multiverse. Think for every version of you who put trailed off at the end of the previous speech there are infinitely many versions who didn't, and they are parts of their own storylines and combinations, because there are also infinitely many versions of you on the other end of the decision making, till things cannot be even called decisions anymore, no more than an atom decaying or not can be called a decision, and when to decay, and what direction to spew decay subproducts... and all this allowed in the infinity as a concept, and making sense there, emergent consciousness and emergent atoms and emergent universes, and their complete opposite and partial opposite and almost identical, and identical, and diverging again.
And yet, on top of all this, life and decisions still matter.
Cool, isn't it? Infinity on the one hand, with all hells and heavens, digitalized or organic consciousnesses, rulers and ruled... and still life being important, the self emerging and caring for such self.

7: sometimes this kind of thinking and seeing, to me, shifts focus from the individual person to LIFE as it is with all its continuous shifting and infinity, and cant but deduce that it also makes people as individual beings less important...we're just a mass of continually evolving beings...should probably feel differently, but this just feels lonely....but life and nature are supreme and sb, any body, whatever name/story, is like a lonely cell...
7: must have a natural talent for bringing out the most depressing side :D :(
6: why depressing?
7: coming up with loneliness amidst all that....
6: that is a natural part of the explanation, lonely is not depressing... a part of it may be associated with sadness, but not necessarily and certainly not all of it. I mean lonely, not alone. Lonely, on the direction of lonely, is lacking something. But since lonely is only one of the viewpoints of the complexity we were talking about, and since lonely is not necessarily depressing (degrees of sadness, lower than what I call depression, maybe here is a mismatch in communication), anyway, I get now what you meant. But once you get over that you realize in that path everything connects to meaningless, you may feel relieved of the burden and pressure, and let yourself go, in the loop of limited beings that would be just a state, lingering there longer does not change the state (excluding memories of how long have you been like that). You feel free to enjoy loneliness, lacking, missing. You romanticize it. You interpret it smelling something like nostalgia or melancholia. And you realize interpretation of reality is a much more recurring event than reality itself. Perfectly balanced physics of a single branch of story, less likely than a multiverse. Perfectly balanced multiverse of all familiar physics, less likely than a multiverse of unfamiliar physics. Physics versions, less likely than abstractions. And awareness can come out in all those places, even from interpretation of states in the vibrations of atoms in a rock, or at the center of a star, or in a computer... feeling any better?
7: yes and no... but that's the way it is *smiles*
7: thanks
6: enjoy this yes and no
*7 smiles*

*Knock knock*
1: What do you want?
2: We want hir!
3: Are you sure you want me? My reputation after the failed projects of SSAT and RiRD is in the mud. And there are people after me.
2: As far as I have followed the issue, none of those failures was your fault. And those after you will have to be after us too. We think we can handle them. And we think you deserve better enemies to sharpen your claws with. Apparently better friends too. *looks at their leader*
3: But why me?
2: You have the skills we need, and we don't mind of your past. You also seem to be needing a hand at this time. Here it is.
3: I don't know if I have the skills you say. I am barely a beginner.
2: Everybody gets better at what they keep doing. We have experience to help you get better faster, should you chose to join us.
3: I don't want to bring your project down by my mere presence. Maybe the heroic thing to do in this case is refuse this hand.
2: Don't be silly. Or rather, don't be on the level your enemies have dragged you to.
3: I will think about it.
2, to the group: Anyone having a problem with our projects and the people in there, here is your chance to speak. We will hear and adapt to constructive criticism. If you speak nonsense, or unproductive, your voice may not get a reply, and will never deserve a link to spread that nonsense to the audience reaching our sites. If in need of what qualifies as nonsense, blaming these young dreamers for wrongly trusting their past collaborators. We are those collaborators now. Like us, good. Hate us, keep it to yourself please.

4: Tiny people in big shoes are those who get upset you reached them without being filtered by their hierarchy. Big people would be sad they don't have the time to pick and lift up brave ones, but are glad you made it to their attention, unless of course you are wasting their time, but this is not the case.

*poster on the wall: 'Beware of the robot'; future scene: 'Beware of the dog'; future scene: 'Beware of the snake', occasional comment: 'you don't have a dog/snake here' and reply 'maybe there is one around, venomous, dog I mean, there are no snakes in or around this office, never have been, anyone who says otherwise is spreading their poison or only has anecdotal experiences to share, but no proof, no e-mail, no written record'*

5: I know you are too good for your own sake, but, since I cannot help you with those problems and their causes, at least maybe I can share a smile. I need a sample of your ear infection you are having. I am aware you don't wish that to your enemies, but I am not like you. I may cause it to my enemies, and enemies of my friends. And I know a certain viper, offspring of snakes and bureaucratic demons, who could use some crippling pain to half or all of the brain. Though, for how she appears, many people have probably tried such and have failed, helping her create immunity to various poisons, laxatives and infections.

6: If I had a car like yours, and could not find the patented paint for the repair, I would paint it with a glaringly different paint and since it is my car nobody should be able to force me to paint it properly. I would demand the patent holders to paint my car for free in exchange for the very presence of such car hitting the brand.
7: You are not the type to get such a car anyway, so, no problem, but I like the scheme your devious mind produced.
6: Don't like it too much, though. The brand's mind is more devious and less inventive. They would just hire a few hooligans reshape the car, and make sure you know you are the lucky one to not be reshaped, but next time your luck might run out.
7: Hah!... hmmm... naaaah... they'd not do that... ummm...

8, angry: Freaking hell! They said an Albanian family cannot save those kinds of sums!
9: Do they have your wage declarations?
8: Yes, and they cannot disprove my words, but went as far as to say 'go to another bank'. Apparently we are supposed to spend more on transportation, or exotic food, or local food grown to exotic prices, or clothing, or entertainment. Well, fuking no! I won't massage my neurons into liking expensive stuff just because I can afford it. If my savings become useless, then I would rather lower my income sources and have fewer slavery shackles than be hooked up to a lifestyle that will require me to keep enslaving myself.
9: Or, maybe, you can start your own family cell, like M2.
8: M2 works at the embassy. They can afford it. I have a regular oversqueezed and underpaid job, as most people. I simply have a simple way of life. I repair stuff instead of purchasing new. I get used to my ways and prefer the lack of distraction from it, than going seeking new experiences. I am motivated to finish paying off the house but I have no credit interest on it. I like my home. I don't like a new and bigger one. Neither vacations to environments I lake less than my cozy distractionless cave.
9: Part time job, then. More time, less money.
8: At my current level of wrath I prefer to maximize the damage I can do to the system, like, go through with these universe formulas, get out those hybrid compounds that will make steel obsolete, get out those advanced computing platforms, and see if robotics and artificial intelligence can help kick the system down, and kick it a few more times while down, till the greedy consumerist bastards...
9 interrupting: What about motivating advancements?
8: Different era, different methods. Capitalism and inequality will always be there, but the current incarnation is evil, war-breeding, and planet-depleting.
9: I would be just happy teaching my ways to people, bettering themselves in these conditions.
8: Yeah, keep pushing those video series of yours.
9: No need to make fun of it.
8: Sincerely, no, I am not making fun of it. I helped transcribe the core philosophy to blog format, remember?
9: Yes, and you taught me a lot also. And maybe if more people followed those teachings, banks and bankmafiosos would not find it too surprising one can save, what, I still consider your savings tiny in comparison to your potential.
*8 sighs*
*9 pats 8 on the back*
8: Thank you.

9: Fuck consumerism!
8: I get the sentiment, but intercourse should be reserved for entities worth it, so, maybe 'burn in hell' could replace fornication insinuations when expressing the well deserved rage.

1 opens door: Whoa!
2: Hi!
1 still perplexed: This, oh, lost for words. Not used to it. How are you?
2: I am fine. Thank you. And you? How are you doing?
1: I am mostly excellent. Ups and downs in various aspects of life, some ups more than compensating for the downs of others. Worse than neutral they can't go, or I just stop giving a shit, so, the ups guide the average perception. And I know it was a greeting, and this is a greeting reply. Try asking how I am doing for real and see. In the meantime, please come in.
2 comes in: Thank you. So... How are you doing for real?
1: Well, this project I am engaged in, this is...
2: Actually it is exactly why I am here. You may be target and celebrity to some, but the word is not out there. Information about this just got me.... And.... I know you are likely to not see me as viable candidate, but, I would like in.
1: Why would I refuse you?
2: Because I stroke you down twice on your exams?
1: I did not fill in enough questions.
2: With the way the exam questions were laid out, yes, indeed you did not. But I knew your skills and could have fixed that. And also could have chosen a better method to lay the exam. We were not supposed to test memory, or copying.
1: Well, alright. Past is past.
2: Don't make it too easy on me. Remember that question on the blackboard that nobody seemed to get right, till it came your turn to answer and you pointed out the flaw in the question itself?
1: Hehe, yes. That made for a nice story to share occasionally.
2: I was a child back then. 20 years older by birth certificate than you, and ... Please forgive me. It was in my power to change how you fared in the exam, and it would not have been an exception either, since that was meant to be in my power and that power was used sometimes on people not doing well on 100 questions but doing well on the topic overall. I did not forgive you for that affront, and I knew you did not even notice it as such, but tiny people around you and me saw it, and I wanted to give them an example to not mess with me.
1: oo... nah, I did not see it that way, and while I resented you a little for the way you had set the exam, I was not really mad at you. Not more than to a defective tool, but you were to do as you were told even in the examination method.
2: heh, it took me some more years to get to that mindset... *sighs* but, I have grown, and I hope my skills to be useful to your project.
1: Not mine. Actually if anyone is to be considered initiator of this, is a low level technical guy who was obsessive enough back in the early days. We are diversified and global now. You could join without asking permission. But good thing you came. Coordinated efforts produce better results.
2: Thank you.
1: Why did you not get in touch via the easy electronics means?
2: It felt cheap. I have failed you twice in an exam you could have aced if it was programming and not remembering names of variables or other easy lookups.
1: Don't worry about that. Worry about this instead. If your exam was important enough, I would have either studied for it, or made better copies.
2: Haha, yeah, maybe. It did not stop you indeed.

3: Oh, cool metallic tiny vibrator. Safe for travels, even on planes. The ones inquiring about it will be the ones embarrassed.
4: Actually it is not for planes and playing with TSA. Neither it is being used as travel toy. I keep it for my personal pleasure.
3 puzzled look*
4: See, I am adding to my perception of this device an extra layer of associations. This is not a powerful toy. Stimulating is sweet, but, to get from there to something beyond teasing or cuddling one needs to be rather horny. Therefore I am associating horny with usage of this silver vibrator, and then use the vibrator to augment my mood, with or without using bigger or stronger tools, or hands and fingers, or partner.
3: Oh... cool...

5: Can I borrow this toy of yours?
4: No, not that one. But I have another toy I can lend out, and trust me, is much better. It is actually the general purpose device you had in mind, till you get a collection of your own.
5: Or a boyfriend.
4: Or a girlfriend. Something other than your fingers.
5: Why this particular toy though?
4: Other than being tested and true general purpose that will not let you down, I like to think of this as the toy that I lend to people. Don't worry, it is well sterilized. I like the mental association to enrich my fantasies if reaching over to use it.
5: Naaauuughty... :) ;)
4: That is actually keeping my naughtiness in check, but, thank you. I like being naughty and free.
5: So, anything to look out for?
4: The usual stuff. And after it no longer shakes as it should, use the batteries on some remote control or clock or something low power like that to drain them as this thing requires quite a lot of power and will not drain batteries completely.
5: Hehe, yes, very practical. Hope images of batteries will not get on my fantasies during use.
4: They may, and once they have their answer to a completed line of thought they will not bother you, and you can scream to your heart's content.
5 blushes and lowers eyes, biting lower lip gently*

7: Look at what those guys down there are doing! Faith in humanity: restored!
8: niiiiceee. Though i kinda sense a bit the efforts to leave us with this reaction.
7: I am... I don't have word for it. They should have joined us earlier, and posting a recruitment flier in the regular dumb mechanical way, or skipping it, made such a difference. The sites may be mechanical, but we should not be. No, I definitely should have posted it. Their team, with such a human soul driving their engine... They removed the ban, they understood my reasoning, and would have taken over the role...
8: You like them this much?
7: Temporarily. Their ideas. Their potential influence to our groups.
8: And now you are in love.
7: I have found that the more I love, the more of my whole being gets devoted to it and therefore can handle more love, till time gets in the way, but the love grows and may even turns to aching of incompleteness. But yeah, brought loving tears to my eyes reading their concepts on how reality becomes real.
8: ooowwwww ^_^ ... people need that, once in a while, as if to remind them of love and magic and pure kindness
7: Loving more is mediated by brain plasticity, but brain/blood/body/environment adapt to the directions of the decision-making apparatus, that is, society and the individual or dividual. And the technical rational behind love does not reduce the magic. Maybe distract a bit, but on the path to augmenting it.
8: Explaining actually does make it fade a bit momentarily... some things had better rest in the brain and not be materialized into words. ;) . And don't try to jot it into other parts of the brain to be materialized into. Let it be magic, not images or smells or sensations. Not even dreams and feelings.
7: This could actually work, and provide me with somewhat trusty feedback from my own neurons, which, in case of doubt I can scrutinize.
8: You are hopeless. *imitating 7* actually more hopeful than the average biped, but walking slower than the goalpost.
7: You think love, romantic or otherwise, is a mobile goalpost?
8: Magic it may be, but still based on those plastic neurons, and their reflection on everybody and everything, so, mobile, depending on the ones chasing it.
7: I'm not chasing it.
8: You are chasing it, along other stuff you chase and love. You never stay too far from it and adjust your path accordingly to gravitate towards these bits of magic. You don't want to call it 'chase', you put a name to it. Love and magic it still is.

9: Yet, all this fan passion, channeled into greedy mechanisms like FIFA, or the Olympics... the sports of the world, for which people are willing to go very far, taken from the world and sold back to it.
9: The greedy mechanisms can go on, but the sports, the records, the alternative attempts are not their property. Somebody setting an environment where people can race each other in a sprint does not impede people running for the Olympics, for example. But Olympics may be reserved for paying audience, and the new organization open to the world at large, truly global.
9: Of course their thugs will try to stop alternatives. The sentiment is there. What people want, and what the selfish $ gene want, will keep struggling, fair blows or unfair ones.

1: You see, we are here for a reason, and we have the right order for it.
2: And you got the answer, right there.
1: That is not the answer I am looking for.
2: According to your order mandate, it is.
1: Here we disagree. I say it is not. I say we need the other form, and from today as well, not some unlikely past form that happens to be around and not posted officially yet.
2: What you are asking requires me to seek approval from my supervisor.
3, bursting passionately: For this tiny intervention you need supervisor approval?! And then you claim to justify this price increase to cover costs! Here is where your costs are going! So many people are right here right now wasting their time for something that supposedly does not even need us coming over. And you say we are not enough?
2: Your hierarchy is no better.
3: True! And I don't even hope anymore it changes. But artificial intelligence is not taking over just the jobs of drivers and sales people. Bureaucrats are going to be replaced too, and with ease, since so strict and algorithmic that you should have been replaced a while ago.
2: You did not even have to come here for this request, as you said...
1: We are all doing what are asked to, and those doing the asking know it, therefore you should assume ulterior motifs for our visit. Which are those motifs I am not in the knowledge or liberty to disclose.
3: It surely smells, reading between the lines, and judging by your resistance to this simple request.
1: Shhh...
3 nods*
2: Alright, I will go make copies of the documents you request.

4: 5, I want you to stop transmitting your stress over disorganization and incompetence of your sector, over to my team. And since I have asked you several times in the past, with repeated return, I will go in a different route this time.
5: Who are you calling incompetent?
4: The organizers and the organized! But maybe it is not incompetence. It may be simply an outsiders perception of what you and your sector radiate. Maybe we are wrong.
*5 attempts to say something*
4: FACT, A.I. will help you do your job more effectively beyond what unnecessary procedures you may manufacture to justify your job! And will do your job much better and faster therefore replacing you all, making people competing for your chair much better by virtue of choice and effort.
5: Where are you getting at?
4: Stress is your enemy. Everybody's enemy. Stress will shrink your energies, will deepen your wrinkles, will decrease your immune response, will drain your fat reserves therefore growing you faster into your older self, marking your face with the shapes of repeated use of the ugly parts of your soul and in turn forcing you into your role by virtue of how others will see and react to you.
*5 speechless, jaw drops*
4: I don't think you will be able to manage the stress in your life. My reminding you of the volatility of your position and pressure on stress itself was not meant to help you cope with the situation better. Was meant to create a vicious cycle of worries to make your situation worse, in fact. But, should you happen to learn and improve, well, I got nothing against it. Please do if you can. Thank you.
*5 blinks a few times*
4: That is all. Do not transmit your anger to my team, and there may never be a need to repeat this. *smiles politely and goes away*

6: Why do sick seasons come at the drop of a rain?
7: I bet you got some clever insight that we cannot test to tell me.
6: One that you may help validate for the reasoning.
7: Let's hear it.
6: Lots of crumbs and food pieces laying around. Dry. Microorganisms do not like dry. Rain falls. They spread. They multiply. It is also generally warmer on the first rainfall too. And potential host organisms have been dulling their defenses during dry season, or preparing for dry resistant threats, and the rapid spread mediated by humidity, and our social life, and we find everybody coughing at the same time.
7: coughlaughs

6: Warm soil, evaporation, heavy air that will make people feel sweaty, longer contact with this sweaty skin, sweaty clothes, people mistakenly wearing more clothes in this still-warm climate, wet clothes from rain and sweat, even wet umbrella, longer exposure to those clothes too, shoes too. Rain pooling microorganisms together with crumbs. Crumbs sticking to shoes and spreading associated germs. Fast growth, then germ societal collapse.
*7 wide eyed*
6: And if the rains continue, the coughing season passes for multiple reasons still. Rains pool on determined locations and river elsewhere clearing the paths, separated fast reproducing germs from slow resistant ones by the separate paths waters and shoes follow, human immunity prepared, access to medicine and stocks, fresh food reserves, refreshed good habits of dealing with changing temperatures and streams. Result: less coughing even if rains continue.
7: Less coughing is good for the cinemaverse too.
6: Maybe they will use virtual reality instead of regular reality.
7: That would be great. Better visibility under cloudy conditions too.
6: Yeah. For visibility, without sun, we would need a lot of lighting. Virtual reality would allow us to keep existing without artificial shadows or being bright over a dim background.
*7 bumps over an invisible wall, meme style*
6: What happened?
7: Couldn't break the fourth wall.
*they laugh*

8: Wake up, Jill Stein, or Chill Stay in, does not exist! She managed to trick the warmongers and wardrones to forget about her, but they are all part of the same system. If there was no Dollary Clump, or what the hell they would be called in your branch of reality, there would be no Birdie, nor a Chill. They are a means of control, getting out of the control of the machinery that created them, but unable to keep existing without that machinery. Every one of us is a replaceable cog. Your Chill managed to stay under the radar for a while because using that language trick, kiss vs. kill, but, or maybe especially because she was the culprit of changing the arming campaign that the branch that contains her did not make it to echo the referential destruction we use to address physics of e=mc2.
9: 8 means she brought peace and that stopped direct addressing of any diverging path from there. Her world lays beyond the addressable fractals, with exponentially difficult calculations to read it on a similarly physical world.
8: Without a button to push, there was no choice of an antimatter explosion enough for earth annihilation, and no divergence we could pick up from the myriad of other branching in everyday decisionmaking. Your experiments, therefore, can only bring you here, but never return you back to your world. Here, your darling Chill, does not exist. She was picked up by the system early on and replaced by a better controlled puppet. The equivalent to your Bernie would be the regular guy put there to pretend give you a choice.

9: In a sense, the greater good may need to pass through the hell of war, well, at least experimentation upon and a mistakedly ignited spark. But that does not mean we have to put up with the war puppets of 2016, and their old or returning hydra heads. Rmoney? Bara? Come on! Show puppets. I bet your Bara did not bring the equality he was meant to and gotten votes for. Or you got Rmoney winning?
8: Either way, your burning Bern did not win, not even with the help of wildlife showing a crowd they are an illusion over an empty base of environment. And your Chill does not exist, or you would not be here. One way communication is not enough, not even with a willing host. You remembering Chill winning is the delusion that allows you to be in that world and still diverging enough to be picked up by the host, our friend, who'se body you are using.
9: You are at a diverging choice now that you know. Accept these and become one with the host, in our timeline, or be memories of the event for our world, and continue in yours, deluded about peace and still on war conditions. In our world you will be our friend AND yourself, as the two of you decide to call the self. Unchanged and changed. Choice in this sense will manufacture reality to unfold. In your old universal branch you will wake from your dream with and without knowledge of this encounter. Both paths will unfold, but the one remembering will have the choice to dismiss the memories. Be careful which one you chose to be should you find yourself that one.

1: No, I don't remember that.
2: But you remember the code we were testing.
1: I may be mistaken about when, but I remember the code, yeah.
2: And you don't remember the dog barking and howling outside, and how I pointed out he was keeping synch with the music we had in background.
1: Nope... maybe a faint memory, but from what we are talking about now it may as well be an injected memory.
2: I wish we changed the world, or our perception of it, or memories, into an equivalent branch differing only on whether we perceived that dog, but it is just you being forgetful and mindless when dwelling into code.
1: Maybe it is a case of changed world. You insist I reacted to the dog. I don't remember it. Maybe we do come from different worlds.
2: You don't really think that.
1: I don't, but it does bring up an interesting case of what can potentially be a reality-changing event, or memory changing event.
2: That is what you call interesting. If you found that dog interesting, we would be in a more synched reality.

3: Assume the Boltzmann Brain theory is correct.
4: Easy.
3: And the cosmos goes on forever in all directions, inevitably ending up in eternal repeat, including this conversation.
4: Einstein has said it and we have had a long time to digest it.
3: The most likely place where consciousness could spontaneously arise in a form non-native of the representation method is not a rock or the core of a star, despite all their jiggling of atoms. It is, in fact, another brain.
4: Why is it not a rock or a star?
3: Alright, maybe it is, but we cannot observe it, we cannot diverge anything from it to study its effect outside regular random white noise. White noise is everything in a rock.
4: You mean consciousness, spontaneously arising or guided, having an effect on the world despite not being its world of origin?
3: Kinda yes. That is why approaching it brain to brain, or emulated brain.
4: You are gravitating around your dream within a dream path, right?
3: If there are mechanisms able to interpret consciousness or awareness from elsewhere, other worlds, unrelated or related, well, I think they are likely brains of some sort, even if synthetic brains or brain-to-machinery apparatuses. They would pick up from the myriad of alternative states the ones that make sense according to common logic.
4: I'm following. I'm curious to see where you are going now.
3: Let's make an example then. You imagine an alternative life, elsewhere on our cosmos, similar to ours, like a past or future, similar enough for you to resonate along and follow your or their chosen path of reasoning and actions and memories.
4: Yes, the dream. Real as anything of the everything that can happen has already happened. Infinite cosmos. Inevitable.
3: What if they are dreaming of you in return?
4: Unlikely, but well within the inevitable of infinity.
3: Unlikely, yes, but they could be dreaming of someone who could be dreaming of someone and that someone could be dreaming of you, and that is a bit more likely. I am hitting on the probable within this improbable in order to see a possible return effect.
4: You mean return as in we influencing their world and they influencing ours?
3: Yes!
4: I thought you would not be able to surprise me with whacco ideas, but... carry on... I am intrigued.
3: You are influenced by what happens in your dreams. Sometimes you think of them a little longer. Sometimes you even react to your dreams. The dreams may not just be manifestations of the semilucid awareness of another branch with a common nearby divergence point, that is, a different decision made recently by you or somebody else affecting you. They may be even completely different paths, somebody else, many body else. For the simpler versions and combinations you may be tempted to dismiss the connection for the regular how thoughts, assumptions, memories, whatifs, and dreams work. The branch of thought and reality you are dismissing will cause the other branches to converge away from it. But let's say your decisions and the other person's decisions are independent and will not converge, or at least will not have direct influence over diverging paths. For example, you keep the duck or you sell the duck applies only to you having the duck. If someone is dreaming of you and your choices, but does not have a duck to influence its fate directly, we can say in this aspect you are different enough to be able to access each other without it being a direct influential line of thought and decision making. It would be similar to fiction or a dream. Now assume you force yourself to keep dreaming about them and pick the version of the multiverse where they think about you. Your choices will influence theirs and maybe even vice-versa. Tada, link! Link to another universe.
4: And all this without having to go to fractal universes or simulated or dust theory or noise in the circuitry or code rendering the universe.
3: Yeah, pretty much just adding infinity in at least one spatial direction and reaching over to the repetition, going through all the permutations and possibilities, maybe pretending to be generator of new divergences that were there all along anyway.
4: You think we can traverse along in some form?
3: This is a way to start, well, proceed, in our experimentations.
4: How would you go on after this?
3: Don't know yet. This idea came to me, I did not go searching for it. There are more important stuff to play with.
4: Sure. Not to mention you will need to get out of yourself through those means if they lock you up.
3: Hmmm... reach synchronization with somebody outside this world; influence the world outside through that somebody; the world outside, learning these tricks, can reach back to my world and release this body of mine here?
4: Oh, you are already making plans?
3: Who is to say I am not in the intermediary stages of executing those plans? Maybe I am already the representation of a mixture of me as you know, plus me as the choices followed by the imagination of that locked-up version. And I am teaching you, so you can reach over to your other self and help that other versions of me?
4: The one pulling the strings?
3: There are no strings. These are emergent thoughts, that we happen to latch on and synch with.
4: That means there needs to be a ready receiver of those thoughts for those versions of me you want me to reach, and without you maybe there will be no instigator for these thoughts to prepare the receiving line of thoughts.
3: Still, I do not know how to reach over. I am still in the brainstorming phase.
4: Careful not to let that storm become a hurricane or worse, haha!
3: Hehe...
4: Aren't you afraid you may be part of somebody else's imagination?
3: At first I was afraid, despite that it was what I was trying to do, but it is less scary than the everything-that-can-happen, and we have been struggling enough with that to be comfortable exploring this line of thought. Now I am trying to convince myself that this is already going on, inevitable as we agree, and I am already a manifestation of somebody's imagination. This should resonate upwards to my imaginators and downwards to my imaginees, putting the up and down as terms not necessarily related to probabilities. Though, in order to maximize my influence on the world and therefore its reaction back, I need to see which are the most probable and would generate the greater feedback that can be tested, and which are the statistical anomalies that will have their chance to shine in exceptional form. I think the methods used to reach over vary depending on the expectation of probable, but I need to work it over some more.
4: Don't fry your brain just yet, alright? We need to work on more code still, and your skills are necessary.

1 is writing a text:
Dear fakebuk.
Just because you tailor the feed you present to me according to my liking, matching my soul, does not mean you are not stealing my soul.
More, more, more is not the answer. You may want it, pressed by your advertisers, and as a result you are making me feel disgust when being faced with your feed.
Take the hint. Make me WANT it, not force it down my throat. I hate you. That is my opinion, and as long as I exist, that opinion exists along, whether I am allowed to express it or live in North Korea.
2: You think they will listen?
1: They may, but who is sure will listen, SOME of their users.
2: That changes what?
1: I don't know. I needed to just say that.
2: You can limit yourself, right?
1: Easier said than done, of course I can limit myself. They tease me with the ease of information, and push for more.
2: They all do that.
1: They all fail sooner or latter, since time and attention is definitely finite for us organics...
2: You hate this, don't you.
1: Almost as much as I hate bureaucrats and bureaucracy.
2: Any late chafing with the time wasters?
1: Heh, to laugh or cry... I have been asked to send a memo declaring the following documents, one of which is the relation which still contained all the info in the memo. And all the emails doing the same redundant work. And the talks... *sighs* It is a kind of torture.
2: You can learn to like it, you know, ugly and beautiful butterfly style.
1: Sure I can. I am in between hating them and suffering through but keeping this timewaste at bay, or liking it and improving on this skill that is best eradicated.
2: This bad?
1: Yes, like a torture, as I said. Like making you eat rotten fruit, or insects.
2: Insects are good for you, and if uncooked they don't do as much harm as uncooked meat.
1: You know what I mean.
2: I know...
*1 clicks post on the previous text. The text is meant to be shown around in the shots, but not particularly the focus of attention, making people pause to read it, if wanting to.*

3: The forbidden fruit effect, because you know it is wrong to reach for that sweetie that was eyeing you at the shop, therefore the desire to get it was stronger than the limitations imposed, making it a desire meeting its fulfillment, out of the ordinary experience, beating the hedonic treadmill... I prefer the version where I impose the limitations myself, including the desire level needed, along the time and peace, and the limitations of availability are not helping.

1: how does it work?
2: Well, we assume this experiment will be repeated with the cosmos repeat. And we assume somewhere in between there will be an exact opposite of this experiment, result-wise, and we draw energy from those failed experiments. In between success and failure are various layers of delusion and dream, but if they are consistent enough they will find their way out or into trying again, similarly to how we tried and tried and tried. Given how blackholes supposedly unwind spacetime, these experiments violate nothing on how the cosmos works. Spontaneous generation in sync with our far away selves works without having to generate more space for alternate events to unfold. And remember we are all falling into a black hole too... the distance from its sharp timeturning edge and the smooth falling along with our whole galaxy may not be as an important factor to the rest of the events.
1: Well, except for that device designed to pinpoint at that particular eventuality.
2: But that still keeps us into a predictable path towards falling, with no extra information coming out of the event horizon or our own pocket, or droplet, of universe. We inside may know, the universe outside will balance out among those many collapsing branches that know and those that don't know, even to some improbable event such as mass delusion to explain the world coming back on the other side while maintaining consciousness continuity.

3: You want to waste so many attention, time and resources on a hypothetical microverse happening inside a neuron?
4: It is my time and attention to waste, while resources I will find inside the fractal, won't take from your share in the base, and will be an enlightening endeavor as an other.
3: Time and attention that can be used to more productive ends.
4: Alright, time and attention that I won't keep from you. I will make a copy of my consciousness and memories and let it be a citizen of your world as I am already. Don't blame me if that copy transmits the last bits of awareness and decides to off themselves in the world governed by you.
3: You are setting a bad example to others.
4: You are setting a bad example in the eyes of those who don't think like you and think like me. But, if you feel compelled to make your system work, you can duplicate yourself as often as you feel like. Your choice.
3: We need the diversity coming from different souls.
4: If you try to force us into your viewpoint, you will eventually have a war in your hands. Feel free to create intermediary entities, diverse enough but still wanting to stay behind.
3: They will end up being philosophers, not doers.
4: Oh, they will become doers, they will also prepare the local microground for the experiment I am trying to expand in post-cosmology distances.
3: Will you be in touch?
4: I will, but, with FTL spontaneous self generation of information, not actual cause-effect information and choice transference.

1: See, the code seeks resonances with the vibrations coming from its external reality randomness generator, from power to human-powered webcam, and within those vibrations it finds synchronization with the device designed to output a signal for it, for example this camera since we were designing around this. Of course there are easier ways to get the same result, aka antenna, but this is practically picking up changes in reality without an antenna, or with an antenna represented by the whole apparatus and code combined. The code gets the results from the fractal built upon the imaginary planes, displaced from our reality by a few cycles, enough for it to synch with the current status of the world that mediates its physics representation.
2: It is because of this sync with the uber fractal computer that reads our world that we cannot guide it to look into the future or the past, but as long as we don't overly shield the randomness seeking circuitry from the cosmic background radiation the code will automatically increase resolution to be able to pinpoint the physics that is trying to put and extract information through execution of steps addressing the fractal.
1: We can address the fractal because of the preemptive calculations, tables of PiPrime that is. That allows us to see slices of the fractal computer that are stable enough to read results. The inner states of the imaginary structure are exponentially difficult to compute, but if we need to be sure of something we can go that route too. The fractal computer, though, reads our whole physics and might not be welcoming to this probing. We assume beyond the few blips of output module there are higher complexity structures and the civilizations that built those. There might be safeguards, and we may even end up breaking this trust bond of us being allowed, so to speak, to use their computer, or the parts of it that match input and output to our protocols. It might be something that we may never get back, while they still would have our parallels to access and use it. I don't think that is the case, but, just saying, keep respect up for that structure that slices our bubble of cosmos within its inner code.
2: Our world is independent but related to theirs. Their world may be more dependent on ours but the result is a fine tuned feedback that we did not build, did not even discover, but were practically guided into finding, once we embarked seriously towards this exploration.

6: You are the most resistant person I know...
7: Healthy mind in a healthy body.
6: Yeah, but it is not only the body. It is how you use it and how you stay away from orgasm.
7: Orgasm is fun, but not as fun as keeping going. Let's say orgasm has the same level of pleasure as an orange or a cake. I get it, and be done with it, and in comparison it may be more energy and time expensive than the easy cake.
6: Some may like it being energy expensive, while the time is fun in itself.
7: You are right, but I like the energies more. While the fun during is the variable that makes me still keep going. The fun may even stay constant, let alone the increased via tease.
6: And you can withstand the tease as well. To me feels like torture.
7: The brain grows to become better and even like what we use it for. You could do the same and improve with time.
6: Nah, I think I will stay as I am now. We already go on longer than either of us would like to.
7: That is the proper way to enjoy sex. Else it really becomes less fun than a cake. And we can have sex often or rarely to prevent it from becoming a hedonic treadmill avenue, but we can do the same with cake, or various joy providing substances or entertainment.
6: Like sky diving. Hah! That I would like to not become a usual event with linear increasing risk with getting used to it lowering of pleasure.
7: I was thinking more about movies or videogames, but that works too.

8: Meiosis for telomere length. Snatching telomeres from the other cell. And if that cell carries on living it will get good telomeres from its other parent. Or die young and leave more space for the longerliving siblings;
9: Compare that to constructive interference that is harder to eradicate for the clear strips in the slit experiments. Half good genes are good enough to leave a mark. Also, maybe not all chromosomes need to have full telomere length intact, and, maybe not such a big deal if some genes are broken once the telomeres are exhausted and good DNA is broken on each cell division.

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