Thursday, January 19, 2017


Z: Why upgrading your brain could make you less human...
A2: 'Becoming dedicated to a field of study could make the dedicated one less human'. This stands also. And, in this regard, post-organics would be more human than their non-enhanced cousins, because allowing more neurons (or computing power in general) artificially induced where the symbiot of organic and synthetic decides to put these extra resources, without draining the human parts.
Z: Hmmm...
A2: Also, I found that article not worth your time. I think you should detach from the source of that article. They are in for a buck, fake-news style, or big headline style, but with poor analysis inside.

Scene: M1, M2, a guest(s) and their slaves talking about how they are conducting life, with devil's advocate agreeing mostly but using counter points to challenge and reinforce practices.
M1: For the respect I have for my profession and fellow professionals, I don't accept low wage. Other than unfair, it also would be extremely stupid, and I am not stupid. But, I do live way way below my means. And the extra money that I don't put back into the economy I use as a personal safety net. To some it may look like I am hoarding this money, and they would love to strip it away from me. Well, I see your consumerist lifestyle, even when with good intentions, has made a mess of this planet we live in. You don't agree with my choices, but I don't agree with yours either. Unless you go full fascist against me and anyone who does not consume consume consume, I am in the right place to pursue my happiness in this way that impacts you indirectly by not being a fellow consumerist while still injecting work into the system. The system has too much work being injected in, and forcing consumption or fake pseudo work, like constantly reconstructing roads unnecessarily, is not the way to go, in my opinion. Especially now that humans are about to become massively unemployable.
M2: Now, after having realized pleasure does not come from spending, and having gathered the needed safety net, we decided to have humans as part of our safety net, and use our way of life to sustain the productive and peaceful thinking process of more people, our dear pets in this case. But while we can defend our point by this, we would like to crush the attack of hoarding by being proud of it and not letting it go further. If everybody acted like we did, THEN we would be discussing which way is the best way to use the rewards of our labour.

*3 playing with puppy*
3: Isn't she lovely? 😍
2: Don't be afraid to let her lick your fingers. That is, the training food, she can eat that directly from your hand. You two need to train each other's fauna anyway.
3: Oh she bites all the time 😰 ... Needs lots of patience
2: Dogs and wolfs are hierarchical creatures... you need to show her who's boss. It is one thing to play. It is another thing to bite the hand that feeds you. Scold her a couple of times if she does that, accompanied by lack of treats for a while, as she thinks about it, and she will learn. Dogs are not stupid, well, most of them anyway.
3: I've been reading a lot.... What you're saying is the dominance theory, what many dog trainers use and also one of the most famous, but I read recently that the dominance theory has been disproved 20 years ago. Aaaaand its more complex. Anyway, I'm trying... She's still a baby.
2: Between 'disproved' and 'new theories can achieve better results if executed flawlessly or on a wider range of species' is a difference. I don't think this is something that can be disproved like that. I think new theories may produce something better but the bias in the researcher's mind is the same bias that says children should not be scolded else they develop traumas or fare worse. Well, statistics like that make me want to stop listening to scientists. The world is not black or white. Traumas, while true, help forge character. Faring worse in a controlled environment test is not the word of G0D in regards to being the only factor. And her neurons need to respond to yours through the shared environment, so, both of you organics learning to live in the presence of each-other, if you need her to learn not to bite you, or to what force it is acceptable in playful conditions, you may need to use a cold heart and impose your will, especially while she is young.
3: Yeah 😰... You may be right

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